Enter the Past Tense by Roland Haas

Jun 2, 2010

After his early life in Germany and the bullying high school life he received after his immigration, Roland Haas entered Purdue University on a ROTC scholarship. It didn’t take long for the CIA to approach him for a request to serve for the CIA in an international capacity. Based on his early life, living in Germany, where his parents were citizens during the World War 2 and his use of several languages, including Russian, he was selected as a prime candidate as a possible CIA Operative. As he first began his college life he was requested to sit in the ROTC office for an interview with a civilian in a dark suit and a very serious and dark demeanor. Ronald’s new life would be involved in much intrigue, and  possible directions to  kill drug lords, criminals and foreign threats and many clandestine adventures.  He was taken out of Purdue before he had a chance to get involved in the college life. After his involvement in the spy world and the terrifying and scary existence in his life, Roland dipped into the world of narcotics and alcohol.  His stay in an Iranian prison accelerated his desire for the narcotic lifestyle. He did relieve himself from his addiction and later moved into the normal life with family.

This This is a fascinating story about the emergence of a young man, who was bullied through his high school experience, due to his small stature and his early German experience to a position of dominance in the Global World.  If you like intrigue and constant change of venue and characteristics you will love “Enter the Past Tense”.

Reviewed by Library Staff