The Library is a great resource for finding a book club to join, or, helping you run your own! Be sure to check to see what title the group will discuss and you might even want to look at some past titles. If you need help placing a hold on a book be sure to contact us and we can help you.
Find a Book Discussion Group
The Library offers spaces where patrons can get together and enjoy discussions over some of their favorite books, as well as discovering something new. Find a Book Discussion Group that's right for you.
Run Your Own Book Club
If you want to run your own book club, here’s some tips to help you out:

We have an assortment of Adult Book Group Kits that are available for checkout.
Adult Book Group Kits to Go
Are you involved in a book group and looking for more titles to try? The Library can help! We have an assortment of Adult Book Group Kits that are available for checkout.
Each of these kits has 10-15 copies of one title. It come housed in a clear, wheeled backpack. A kit can be checked out for 6 weeks and are on the shelf at the Central Resource Library. Like most other Library materials, they can be put on hold and sent to other branches for pickup with your Library card, however due to their size, they can’t be picked up or dropped off through any of our drive-thru windows.
You can find these kits in the catalog by searching “Adult Book Kits.”
Planning Your Book Group
The right book. When choosing the next book for your book club, here are somethings to consider

- Who gets to choose the title?
- What genres do you want to focus on or avoid?
- Bestsellers often have longer wait times
- What formats, like eAudiobooks or eBooks, might be helpful for your book club?
Space. Where will you meet? Reserve a Room at the Library!
Timing. How frequently will your group meet?
Need suggestions? Contact us and we can help you pick something out for your group!
Communicate. Make sure your book club members know where to find or get information on meeting dates and locations and upcoming books you'll read. Exchange contact info or consider making a group on Facebook or another platform.
Food? Drink? Talk about what works for your group so you can set expectations together.
Book Group Tips
Make time—but not too much—for latecomers, drinks, snacks and socializing.
Be a good host. Welcome everyone and introduce newcomers.
Break the ice. Consider an icebreaker so that everyone has an opportunity to speak and feel comfortable.
Pursue open-ended questions. The goal is a deeper discussion. So, avoid yes/no questions Instead of asking “did you like the book?”, ask "what do you consider the most memorable scene of the book and why?"
Respect. Make sure the tone of the discussion is always respectful. Differences of opinion are not only welcome, but desired—if everyone feels the same way about the book, the discussion will likely be boring. But don’t let debates get personal nor combative.
Keep the conversation moving. The job of the facilitator is keeping the discussion flowing and on topic. Manage interruptions and time monopolizing.
Predetermine some questions. You don’t have to use them, but a list of questions is nice to have in case you need them.
Check the publisher’s website for downloadable reading group guides.
Access the NoveList database with your Library card number and PIN. It has book discussion guides for hundreds of titles. and are online communities with great resources.
Your own book club members! You can ask them to submit questions that they would like to discuss ahead of time.