At sixteen, Letty Espinosa has everything going for her – she’s young, pretty and smart with a handsome boyfriend who loves her. Only the sky is the limit. When she discovers she is pregnant, all her hopes and dreams are suddenly dashed. Now a 33-year old single mother of two, working several menial jobs to bring in money for her family, she has been living somewhat irresponsibly while her mother has been raising her two children. When her mother decides to return to Mexico to join her husband in their country of origin, Letty is suddenly faced with the responsibility of being a mother – a role she realizes she knows very little about. The journey is not an easy one, as both Letty and her children struggle to adapt and make ends meet.
We Never Asked for Wings is a moving story of redemption and reclaiming one’s life in the midst of adversity. In this case, Letty is slowly reclaiming her rightful place as her children’s mother, learning the meaning of unconditional love and responsibility, and what it means to be a parent. While the journey is not an easy one and Letty makes a lot of mistakes, there is always an undercurrent of hope and good intention.
Heartwarming and moving, We Never Asked for Wings is a tale of motherhood, second chances and family. If you haven’t read her first novel, The Language of Flowers, I highly recommend both.