Warrior Woman: The Exceptional Life Story of Nonhelema, Shawnee Indian Woman Chief by Dark Rain and James Alexander Thom

Mar 31, 2010

Warrior Woman by Dark Rain ThomOn the Ohio Frontier during the American Revolution, Nonhelema – known to history as “The Grenadier Squaw” - and her brothers, Cornstalk and Silverheels– also Shawnee Chiefs – counsel peace and cooperation in dealing with the American troops sent to protect the Virginians pouring into Shawnee hunting grounds. These chiefs know, as most of their people do not, that they cannot defeat or drive back the avalanche of white settlers - - but they do hope to preserve and protect their people.
This novel is written from a truly rare perspective – that of a Native American woman. Through her story we learn something of her people’s history and social structure, their governance, and the wrenching confusion of changes –economic, political, and religious - which accosted these people as their world constricted almost to extinction. This is not American history; this is Native American history. And it’s a compelling exercise to experience the familiar stories of Daniel Boone, George Rogers Clark, “Mad “ Anthony Wayne, etc. from the other side.
James Alexander Thom is a respected researcher/author of Native American historical fiction (Panther in the Sky; Sign Talker). His wife, Dark Rain Thom, is a member of the Shawnee Nation, a storyteller and council member. She is given top billing, in recognition of her role as the principle source giving voice to Nonhelema’s history.

Reviewed by Library Staff