
Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life

By Barbara Kingsolver
Star Rating

Rated by Marty J.
Jun 2, 2015

I loved this non-fiction book, written by one of my favorite fiction authors, Barbara Kingsolver.

Animal, Vegetable, Miracle details one year in which the author's family ate only animals and produce which they had either raised/grown themselves, or which they could purchase from local sources. (Local was defined as anything within a 60 mile radius of their home in Virginia. So, for example, since citrus fruits are not grown within that radius, the family did without citrus for that year.)  I found the whole process which  they went through to be so interesting - deciding what they were going


By Mary Roach
Star Rating

Rated by Kinsley Riggs
Nov 15, 2014

Whoever thought learning about what gives you gas would be so much fun? Mary Roach's Gulp explores all the things I never thought would be in this book—smuggling objects, sewing parts of rats closed, Elvis, etc. I couldn't stop talking about this book and telling my friends and family what I was learning about.  It's like the Magic School Bus for adults!