
Hate to Want You

By Alisha Rai

Rated by Library Staff (not verified)
Jun 29, 2018

I think I would have come around to romance novels years earlier if I had only realized how much angst could precede the genre's requisite happy endings. Hate To Want You nailed both angst and satisfaction.

This steamy tale follows Livvy and Nicholas, once-lovers separated by family disapproval and time, who find that years of miscommunications and misunderstandings loom as large as ever . . . but so does the sizzling chemistry between them. I started out feeling somewhat lukewarm toward the characters but had heard enough praise of Alisha Rai's books to keep me going. I was a little afraid

The Yada Yada Prayer Group

Rated by Jennifer W.M.
Jul 23, 2010

The Yada Yada Prayer GroupYada Yada Prayer Group by Neta Jackson
The first in a series of quirky chic lit titles for the gentle soul. The author brings together several women from around Chicago to a women’s retreat. There they begin what will be a lifetime friendship when they are forced together through a prayer group. The first book introduces you to all the characters but delves into only a couple of their lives. Subsequent titles dig deeper into each of the other women’s history. This is an easy read, with no violence or language. The author tackles diversity and culture issues in a fairly non-threatening