The Light We Lost

Santopolo, Jill
Mar 11, 2018

Lucy Clark meets Gabe Samson in a Shakespeare class on September 11th. The pair spend the day together anxiously watching the news and later viewing the holes in the skyline where the Twin Towers once stood. This day shapes their lives. After a turbulent year apart, the couple reunites and begins dating. Their idyllic love is passionate, deep, and all consuming. But their careers pull them apart. Lucy wants to stay in New York working on a children's television show. Gabe wants his photography to show the world the Iraq War. The Light We Lost is Lucy and Gabe's love story and the story of life after Gabe leaves. 

Santopolo creates deep emotion for these characters. The writing style is unique and elegant. Lucy is always speaking to "you" and addressing her thoughts to Gabe. The story is romantic and bittersweet. The chapters are short, moving this story along at a fast pace. Fate or free will, destiny or decision are questions circling through again and again. The Light We Lost shows how love can change a person. Fans of Melissa Bank, Marisa De los Santos, and Colleen Oakley must add Jill Santopolo to their reading list.

Reviewed by Library Staff