The Levee by Malcom Shuman

Sep 16, 2010

levee.jpgDiscovering a mystery writer who writes well – what a treat! The Levee is a great find for mystery lovers. Stan is a 60ish crime writer who is haunted by a crime that happened when he was a 15 year old growing up in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. He returns to the scene in order to confront the past in hopes of leaving the nightmares behind. Stan is the narrator in the 1950’s and during the present day. The author flawlessly moves between the two, using the latter only to set the stage for the story surrounding the murder. This book includes several classic mystery pieces – an abandoned mansion, an old cemetery where the murder took place, and unusual “Falkner-like” secondary characters who add atmosphere to the tale. It is a coming of age story, a murder mystery and a fun read that is based on a true story.

Reviewed by Library Staff