Julie and Julia - starring Meryl Streep (Julia Child) and Amy Adams (Julie Powell)

Sep 30, 2010

julie-and-julia.jpgUnbeknownst to my colleagues, I am basically a sentimental sap and I absolutely loved this movie. Julie Powell is a food and recipe blogger and, of course, we all know who Julia Child is. In this fun movie, Julie decides that she will cook all of the recipes in Julia Child’s first book….one a day for 365 days….and she will post her results on her blog. Julie has accomplishments and several failures and her dream is to meet Julia Child, who at this time is no spring chicken. We get to know Julia Child and her husband as the movie takes us back to Julia’s first cooking classes in France. Meryl Streep is wonderful. I laughed and even shed a few tears. It brought back memories of my Mom and how much she loved to cook. She would watch Julia Child on TV and she read cookbooks like I read novels…..cover to cover. She would try new recipes and they were always wonderful but my dad was a meat and potatoes man and did not want anything "fancy". I highly recommend Julie and Julia. Maybe you will be lucky enough to recall fond memories of your Mom, too. Does Julie ever really meet Julia? No.

Reviewed by Library Staff