Don’t let the 2001 publication date of Jezebel scare you (it was written even earlier in 1992.) Because however alarming you may find life with no cell phone, it’s not the really scary thing here. Animal Control Officer Tony Parker has serious trouble. Beloved family pets are unpredictably, and without provocation, turning on their owners. Most alarming, Jezebel, the first dog to “turn” is on the loose. It’s up to Parker to find her, stop the emerging trend, protect his family . . . and keep his job.
Not a dog lover? Jezebel will confirm your suspicions. Dog lover? That’s OK too. You’ll read this with an eye on your own best friend. I don’t typically read horror, yet found Jezebel intriguing, compelling, with a fascinating (even if far-fetched) premise. Not for the faint-of-heart, nor for those attracted to fine lit-ra-ture. But if you can suspend believe and ride a wave of tension, you’ll love Jezebel in the end.