Interiors is Quicksand's third full-length studio release, and their first since 1995's superb Manic Compression. The post-hardcore legends from New York City come out swinging with this wide-ranging, 12-track effort, which will no doubt sound both familiar and foreign to long-time listeners. From the land of the recognizable, fans will no doubt be happily reunited with the clipped, staccato delivery of singer/guitarist Walter Schriefels' signature vocals. Interiors also features many of the pieces which make up Quicksand's traditional sonic-scape: Unconventional, hard-but-not-precisely-heavy guitar work (best exemplified on "Under the Screw"); Alan Cage's superb drumming and fantastic drum sound; and Sergio Vega's driving bass, which--as usual--carries many of the songs from point to point.
However, just as Quicksand's journey from Slip to Manic Compression showcased the band's addition of more major key melodies, the tracks "Cosmonauts" and "Hyperion" feature the addition of a new, ethereal texture to the band's sound. To this reviewer's ears, these departures are more than slightly reminiscent of the Deftones (a band which--interestingly enough--bassist Vega has been playing with since late 2008). The title track is a fantastic example of the meld of old and new, as it opens with a decidedly "Freezing Process"-esque riff, yet descends into a sparse, quasi-intimate verse. Indeed, the chorus' marriage of the opening riff with Schriefels' legato vocals perfectly encapsulates the new stylistic combinations heard on Interiors.
Given the fact the band has essentially been on hiatus these last two decades, the smart money says we're unlikely to see much more in the way of new music from Quicksand. Regardless, as the album has continued to grown on me after each listen, I've realized I'm actually grateful it wasn't some paint-by-numbers retread. Though Interiors was by no means what I thought it would be, it is not only a standout album, but a worthy addition to Quicksand's small yet spectacular body of work.
Top Three Tracks:
"Warm and Low"