Committed: a skeptic makes peace with marriage by Elizabeth Gilbert

Jun 2, 2010

In Committed by Elizabeth Gilberther best-selling memoir, Eat, Pray, Love, author Elizabeth Gilbert wrote about the first months of her romantic involvement with Felipe, an older, Brazilian man she fell in love with while staying in Bali. Gilbert's latest book, Committed, picks up where the previous book left off. Elizabeth and Felipe decide to leave Bali and make their home in the United States. They make a commitment to their relationship, but as the survivors of bad divorces, vow not to marry. Much to their dismay, the Department of Homeland Security informs them that the only way that Felipe will not be allowed to stay in the United States is if he is married to a United States citizen. In an effort to come to terms with their need to marry, Elizabeth spends months researching the history of western marriage through books, interviews, and observations. She does a wonderful job of weaving together her thoughts and experiences to create a unique perspective on the social construct of marriage.

Reviewed by Marty J.
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