Chloe Pinter loves helping families realize their dream of having children through her job at a private adoption agency. And she’s good at it. But as one family’s dreams come closer to fruition, another family’s dreams are shattered, and Chloe is left to pick up the pieces.
In Chosen, Hoffman examines the motives of a private adoption agency and its staff, adoptive families, and birth mothers unable to care for their children. In some cases the situations are heart-wrenching, in others…well, in others it’s heart-wrenching. Each family, whether it is the Novas in persistent pursuit of a traditional family, the McAdoo’s with the wealth to support “happiness”, or Jason and Penny in their desperation; all suffer a palpable, undefined longing. While all is well that ends well, each is forever marked by what has been lost. Hoffman raises questions for which there are no good answers, making Chosen perfect for book discussion.