Johnson County Library is pleased to announce the winners of our All Together Now Youth Short Story Writing Contest. "The Sun and the Raindrops" by Ella P. won in the 11 and under age category.
The Sun and The Raindrops
The Sun and the Raindrops did NOT get along. “You’re ruining my warmth!” the Sun would complain. “Oh please, you’ve had your chance,” the Raindrops would say. This is how it went. It wasn’t always like this. The Sun and the Raindrops did get along once, but they got into a fight and were no longer friends. Although neither the Sun nor the Raindrops remembered what the argument was about, they didn’t want to have anything to do with each other.
One day, three birds were flying by when they heard the Sun and the Raindrops arguing. They sighed. “We have to do something about this,” one said. “If we don’t, who knows what may happen.” The smallest bird spoke up. “I have an idea.” The birds flew over to the Sun and the Raindrops. They explained their plan. “The Sun will shine for one week. Then it will rain and the Sun will hide for one week. You can alternate.” The Sun nodded. So did the Raindrops. “Then it’s settled.”
On the first week, the Sun was out and there was no rain. The Sun was happy, but it was dry and hot. Plants lost their color and wilted. People got overheated. The lakes dried up and there was a drought. On the second week, it rained nonstop and clouds blocked the Sun. The Raindrops were happy, but it was cold and wet. No one could go outside. Lakes overflowed and there were floods. This went on for many weeks. The three birds were just as miserable as before. “This is even worse than when the Sun and the Raindrops were fighting!” one cried. “We need another plan!” There was only one thing left to do.
It was sunny that week. One of the birds flew to the Sun, who was proudly shining. “Excuse me, I’m a bit busy,” said the Sun. “I’m sorry,” the bird said. “But there’s something you need to know. You have to make up with the Raindrops.”
Meanwhile, the other two birds went to talk to the Raindrops. The Raindrops were playing games inside of a cloud. “Excuse me!” shouted the small bird. All the Raindrops went quiet. Now the other birds spoke. “You guys have to talk to the Sun. Follow us.” The Raindrops reluctantly followed the birds to where the Sun was. “I’m sorry,” the Sun apologized. “I was so mad at you that I forgot what I was supposed to be mad about.” A few Raindrops Sighed. “Us too,” one said. “We’re so sorry.”
The Sun smiled weakly. “Friends?” The Raindrops nodded. “Friends.” One of the birds got an idea. “Why can’t it be sunny and rainy at once?” So the Sun shone and the Raindrops fell. And together they made something amazing.
A rainbow.