Reviews by Tag: fairytale

Teen Review
Book Cover: Rebel Rose

Rebel Rose

By Emma Theriault
Star Rating

Rated by
Maria H.
Mar 24, 2021

Ever wondered what happens after "And they all lived happily ever after"? Emma Theriault is here to tell you in her 352 page novel that combines the tale as old as time of Beauty and her Beast with the French Revolution. At a time when Europe is on the brink of civil war, following America on the path of revolution, Belle must qualm the fears and fury of her kingdom while rooting out treason within her own royal circles.

Teen Review
Book Title: Tales from the Hinterland, Book Cover: leafy floral illustrations surround the text on a dark green background.

Tales from the Hinterland

By Melissa Albert
Star Rating

Rated by
Evanna D.
Mar 8, 2021

The storyline gave me Alice in Wonderland vibes and I enjoyed it very much. I appreciated the story and the tale and I liked it very much.

Plus, I liked the peaceful and calming tones of the book cover. It was very compelling to me as the reader and I was intrigued and enjoyed the book.

Teen Review
Cover photo of the book The Princess Bride

The Princess Bride

By William Goldman
Star Rating

Rated by
Taylor E.
Jan 4, 2021

William Goldman’s ​The Princess Bride​ is a story of true love, revenge, and adventure. Buttercup, a farm girl forced into royalty by her husband-to-be, Prince Humperdinck, is kidnapped by an evil genius, a giant, and the most talented swordsman in the world. Westley, Buttercup’s thought to be dead true love, must save her from her three kidnappers and her unwanted husband.

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