Stick Dog Dreams of Ice Cream, by Tom Watson, is the fourth book of the Stick Dog series. The book starts with the dogs lazing around on a burning hot summer day, trying to figure out ways to cool down. They find some human kids playing around in a sprinkler, and once they move away, they play themselves. But this method of cooling is only temporary and not very satisfying. Suddenly, they hear some horrible music, and see a weird-shaped truck with a man inside giving humans cylinders with spheres on it. They eventually realize that it is an ice cream truck, and lap at some of the spills on the ground. They find that ice cream is one of the most delicious things they have ever tasted, and try to get some themselves. The dogs pitch in their ideas, which includes smashing into the truck, as well as distracting the driver by dancing. Will they succeed in getting more ice cream so they can cool down, or will they have to try again another day? Just like the other Stick Dog books, this one was very amusing. Sometimes, when a dog said something extra absurd, the others rolled their eyes or groaned at that dog, knowing how bad that idea was. This helped the book and its storyline, because the past books portrayed the other four dogs as quite naive, but this one showed that they still have some cleverness and don’t just agree with every insane idea that they hear. There was some suspense with Stick Dog being frightened, and at one point Stick Dog even unintentionally gets seen by a human, which hasn’t happened before this book series. Because of all this, I give this book a five out of five.