Stick Dog Chases a Pizza is the third book of the Stick Dog book series, by Tom Watson. This book starts out with the dogs watching Karen spin around in a circle trying to catch her tail, which she loves doing, causing Stripes, Poo-Poo, and Mutt to tease her. Stick Dog changes the topic and Karen decides that she wants to play frisbee. Karen finds a box with a cardboard circle in it which they plan to use as a frisbee, but before they start playing Stick Dog realizes that it has flavors so all the dogs lick it clean. It has some of the best flavors they have ever tasted. They learn that the cardboard is pizza, and go to the address listed on the box to look for more. When they reach, they find a cute animal trapped in a car, and try to rescue it, which Stripes seems to be very against, calling that species of animal a Dog’s adversary. Each dog has mind-boggling plans, including Mutt’s, which would involve one dog getting seriously injured. Will they rescue the poor cat and get some pizza, or will their scheme be busted?
I loved this book! There were some new spins in it, and one plot twist was discovering the mysterious creature and the real reason why it initially looked so sad. This book also hints at the creation of the Stick Cat series by Tom Watson. Each dog was so hilarious and I was laughing throughout this book. Although a dog might seem unwise at one point, later they end up saying or doing some clever, to Stick Dog’s amazement. Although Stick Dog is much more serious and doesn’t give as many laughs as the others, he is considered the leader and has a kind personality, as he defends Karen at one point in the novel and tries to rescue the animal. Because of all this, I give this book a five out of five.