The Hate U Give is a realistic fiction young adult novel that follows the young woman, Starr, through a difficult time of hate and racism in her life. Her childhood friend, Khalil, is shot by a police officer even though Khalil did nothing wrong. As Starr goes through grieving, her neighborhood falls into chaos as the news keeps portraying Khalil as the enemy. Stores owned by white people are attacked, police start patrolling the neighborhood too much, and girls at her school say terrible things about Khalil right in front of Starr. Towards the end of the book, Starr realizes her voice in this situation and takes the situation into her own hands. My favorite part of the book is Starr’s boyfriend trying to win her back by singing their favorite song. If I could give this book 10 stars, I would! It is fantastic! I would recommend this book to 8th/9th graders. (Just be aware that there is some violence.)