Dog Man by Dav Piley is a graphic novel featuring George and Harold(main characters in the well-known Captain Underpants) and a comic they wrote when they were “younger”. This book starts out with a policeman who wasn’t intelligent but was strong, and his dog who wasn’t strong but was very intelligent. An explosion occured, and conveniently the police’s body survived and the dog’s head survived. They got sewn together, and Dog Man was created. In this book, an evil cat named Petey escapes from jail and makes all the books on the earth lose their writing so everyone loses their ‘smartness’. But Dogman finds Petey’s secret stash of books so he gains back his brains and takes Petey back to jail. Later, Petey gets a letter in jail with a spray that is supposed to make everything come to life. He sprays it on a hot dog, which comes to life and sprays the spray on other hot dogs. They all try to start a revolution against the humans, and meanwhile, Petey tries to kill all the dogs in the city, including Dogman. Will the city be overrun by Hot Dogs and all the dogs perish, or will good prevail?
This book was quite amusing. There were a lot of unrealistic things in it which just made me laugh harder, especially when it turned out that the hot dogs were mostly harmless. Dav Pilkey certainly has a lot of imagination which makes the graphic novel interesting, with multiple villains at the same time pitted against each other. There are many spelling errors, but this was part of the way the author makes it look like children wrote the book. Because of all this, I give this book a five out of five.