All Your Perfects

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover
Colleen Hoover
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 13, 2023

All Your Perfects is an emotionally charged novel that intricately weaves together the past and present of Quinn and Graham's marriage. The story unfolds through dual timelines, providing a poignant glimpse into the couple's early days of falling in love and the current challenges threatening to unravel their once-perfect union. At the heart of the narrative lies the deeply personal and often stigmatized issue of infertility. Hoover navigates this delicate subject matter with sensitivity, laying bare the emotional struggles faced by Quinn as she grapples with the societal expectations and personal disappointments associated with her inability to conceive. The novel takes readers on a rollercoaster of emotions, from the initial joy of trying to conceive to the heart-wrenching pain of repeated failures and strained marital bonds. The juxtaposition of their passionate early days against the backdrop of their present-day challenges creates a compelling narrative tension, keeping readers engrossed in the characters' journey. 

Regrettably, the narrative structure incorporating both past and present timelines disrupted the flow of the story, causing a sense of frustration as the plot's momentum was continually interrupted. The recurrence of this storytelling technique, reminiscent of the author's previous work Ugly Love, hindered the overall engagement with the narrative. The heaviness of the book, compounded by the protagonist Quinn's infertility and subsequent personal tragedies, contributed to a sense of being overwhelmed, with the unfolding events appearing excessively burdensome and lacking moments of relief or resolution.

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