You've Reached Sam

You've Reached Sam book cover
Dustin Thao
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 14, 2023

You’ve Reached Sam by Dustin Thao is a young adult romance novel. 16-year-old Julie is still grieving from the loss of her boyfriend, Sam and it doesn’t help that some people blame her for his death. She makes up her mind to stop thinking about him and throws out his stuff, but after reading a message that Sam left for her in the yearbook, she tries to call him. Little did she know that he would pick up. Julie now has a second chance to say goodbye, and as she talks to Sam every day, she can’t help but think about his family, who also still think about him. Julie doesn’t want to lose her connection with him, but at the same time, it’s hard to keep her calls a secret when everyone around her is also grieving his loss.

I highly recommend this book. It was such an emotional roller coaster, and the ending was so sad, but when you think about it, it was what was best for Julie. I read this book in one day and was hooked from the beginning! I almost started crying and got emotional. This book made me believe that there was still hope even when you lose everything. I love the character development and the characters in general. It was very well written and had so many detailed explanations that you could envision everything perfectly. I’m usually a fan of books with happy endings, and this book’s ending made me feel like crying. But that being said, it was still really good because the ending was what was best for the main character to finally move on. I loved how this book highlighted that moving on and letting go is very important and that you should keep going with your life instead of being stuck in the past. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who feels like reading an emotional, romantic book! I rate this book a 5 out of 5.

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