Where She Went

Where She Went by Gayle Forman
Gayle Forman
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 19, 2023

In Where She Went by Gayle Forman we follow Adam after the events of If I Stay. Now a wildly popular lead singer of a famous band Adam feels empty. He hasn’t been with Mia since she went to Juliard but he still has trouble coping without her. When Adam has a free night in New York he sees a poster showing that Mia is playing at Carnigie Hall. After she was brought up in an interview earlier he decides to go see her. What follows is a single night before the both fly in opposite directions tomorrow to discuss their lives and their relationship. As the book goes on details about what happened after the accident that took Mias’ family and what happened between the two of them unravel. Told through the point of view Adam grief and heartbreak are the main things that are dealt with. 

Where She Went was the best possible follow up to If I Stay. I found Where She Went not nearly as heart crushing but there’s still moments where you get a nice heart squeeze. The lack of communication between these two characters kills me at the same time. There’s mutiple moments where you are screaming at Adam in his internal monologue to just say what he’s thinking, but I think since both of them are holding themselves back it results in a good why to get emotion out of the reader. I wished that Forman would have ended the novel slightly different and provided a better ending to the duology after the issues of the first book, but Forman finishes Mia and Adam story to give you a comfortable amount of closure.

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