Turtles All the Way Down

Turtles All the Way DOwn
John Green
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 8, 2023

Aza is just a typical teen girl except she is stuck inside her head. In this endless loop inside her mind she doesn’t believe she is real and she has an irrational fear of bacteria and sickness. Aza is at her worst mental state she has ever been when her friend Daisy convinces her to reconnect with an old friend whose father has recently gone missing. Aza decides to go for it and begins to try to solve the mystery of her friend Davis’ missing father. As Aza digs to solve this mystery she realizes that Davis and her might have some sort of chemistry, but this might just be the issue. With Aza’s spiraling thoughts, how will she handle these sparks that are flying without falling into the spiral herself? 

I was honestly impressed with this book. I had picked it up before, but each time I was unsure and put it back on the shelf until now. The story was good with Aza and Davis, but I wished there was more of the advertised mystery from the jacket cover. I would recommend this book to someone looking for a short read that is a bit wacky at times. Overall, I enjoyed this read and thought it was quite pleasant.

Written by
Anna S

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