The Tempest

The Tempest
William Shakespeare
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Apr 24, 2023

The Tempest is Shakespeare’s last play, and one of his most magical. The play is about
a wizard, Prospero, who wrecks a ship carrying some people who’ve previously wronged him
and manipulates the survivors to exact his revenge and return to his role as the Duke of Milan.
But be warned: everything is not as it seems, and the ending of this book carries a lesson that
I’ve remembered since reading this book. I love the story of this book because unlike his other
works, I haven’t seen much of this anywhere else in literature. The twists come to the reader in
a surprising yet believable way and it’s amazing to see how the characters deal with their
situations. I can’t say much because it’s best if the reader reads it themselves and sees it all
unfold rather than me describe it.

It is said that this play is also Shakespeare’s last play as an actor, where he plays the role
of Prospero. If that is true, then it is a very fitting way to end such a magical career.


Written by
Nihanth D.

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