Take the Key and Lock Her Up

Take the Key and Lock Her Up by Ally Carter
Ally Carter
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 12, 2022

After another plot-twist at the end of the second book, all Grace Blakely wants to do is
keep her brother and the guy she likes safe. However, that’s not possible when you’re a lost
princess. When the prime minister of Adria pays her a visit, Grace makes a deal with the devil
that she will marry the future prince so that her loved ones can stay safe. Even though she tries
everything she can do to escape this deal, it’s impossible. This makes Grace go on a mission to
find the evidence her mother found before she died. In the end, Grace finds the evidence and
exposes the huge conspiracies of Adria, freeing herself from all the drama.

This was a great ending to the series. I loved Grace’s character development from the
first book to this book. At first, she’s very sulky and depressed because of her mother’s death,
but now, she seems to be moving on more from it. Of course, I think she’ll still be hung over it,
but she seems to be healing. Thomas was a great character in the story, and I really enjoyed
getting to know him. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes a thriller/mystery book.

I think the cover is a pretty good representation of the story. It shows Grace in a blue
dress, which she wears at her first royal party. She seems to be standing on the stairs, and at
the top is a boy, which I’m pretty sure is Alexei. Even though it looks like she’s running into the
palace, I think the whole palace background is supposed to represent Grace running away from
the palace and all the drama to be safe with Alexei and her friends and family.

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