These three movies are some of my favorite movies in the world. This bundle of DVDs will make a weekend worth being lazy. The first Star Wars movie is a masterpiece which leads to the second and then to the third in a continuous attention-grabbing storyline. There is action, adventure, and betrayal. The Star Wars 1-3 movies are sad at the end but are amazing to watch. Every Star Wars movie, so far, has had three movies to tell their story. These first 3 films entail the quest to find Anakin Skywalker. The first “Episode” leads with the discovery of Anakin Skywalker, a child on Tatooine, who has a midichlorian count higher than Master Yoda, an experienced Jedi. Following the first movie's story, in Episode 2, Anakin is trained as a Jedi to defend the Republic against the Separatists. As the second episode goes by, we see a change in Anakin’s personality that leads to a twist in the third episode and the Republic’s fall. Throughout the three films new Sith warriors are introduced who seek to destroy everything in the Republic. I had an amazing time watching these three films because it grabbed my attention at the start of the first episode. These three movies are guaranteed to have everything a person wants in a movie. I recommend this movie to fans of Star Trek, Marvel, DC, and fantasy/fiction books because Star Wars is a mind-blowing series which attracts many people's attention by its story and suspense.