
Squad by Mariah MacCarthy
Mariah MacCarthy
Jul 1, 2019

This book explains issues many teens have today in a very realistic way. It helped me understand that I'm not necessarily the only person who's had a friend just completely turn around and change on them. It also deals with somebody trying to grasp somebody's gender identity which is unfortunately something many people still don't understand. Everything was explained in just the right way and the book was absolutely incredible. 

I loved the cover! I think the bows on the cover plus one of them being cut in half perfectly represented what was going to happen in the book.

The most compelling aspect of the book, as I explained was how realistic it was. It didn't baby important topics that face teens today; it just flat-out said them in a way that wasn't too harsh but didn't keep us sheltered.

Written by
Callie S.

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