
Aaron Starmer
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Apr 1, 2023

Spontaneous”, by Aaron Starmer, is an equally humorous and heartbreaking look at the unique experience of growing up in the modern age. When students start spontaneously exploding all around her, senior Mara Carlyle has to come to terms with her own mortality and make every moment count. 
    The most valuable asset in the toolbox of “Spontaneous” is its snarky, darkly humorous narrator of Mara. Her strong narrative voice elevates the plot and makes the situation she’s placed in all the more relatable. “Spontaneous” also excels in creating dynamic and interesting side characters, with Tess and Dylan being stand out examples.
    I won’t detail too much of the plot because it’s really best to go into this book blind, but it’s an incredible take on the pitfalls that are linked to coming of age. I’d give it a five out of five stars.

Written by
Alice Summers

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