The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller is an emotional retelling of the Greek myth of Achilles and Patroclus from Homer’s Iliad. Under the narration of Patroclus, he and Achilles create an inseparable bond despite the onset of war. Their relationship is portrayed through their contrasting perspectives as Patroclus is compassionate, gentle and quiet, while Achilles is charismatic and bold. When Helen, the most beautiful woman, is stolen, the Battle of Troy begins. Guided by the idea of fate, the two join the war to fulfill Achilles legendary status, but face greater consequences as the battle persists. This book explores complexity through love and tragedy, creating a powerful journey of sacrifice. It is a beautifully written novel that creates a depth of emotion through action-packed pacing and vivid imagery. Miller’s ability to navigate heroism by grounding the reader with harsh reality allows for the book to be an extremely touching heartache.