“Across the white immensity of an eternal winter, from one end of the frozen planet to the other, there travels a train that never stops.”
The prequal to the original series, this French graphic novel covers an apocalyptic future where the remainder of the human race lives on a never-ending train to avoid the desolate wasteland outside.
I enjoyed this novel, but I’ll admit the beginning is a bit slow. The artwork is superb though, and the creators made the creative choice to keep the entire book in a blue monotone palate. I loved this decision because I feel it gave it a connected feeling. But the characters were a bit one dimensional, and the passage of time was sporadic. The incredible story makes up for it all though. The later books in this series have more interesting characters, as this is only a prequal that sets up for the later books. Still, the book was enjoyable, though if you’d prefer to skip this one and go straight to the main series, it is technically not a required read to understand the rest.