She's Gone

She's Gone by David Bell
David Bell
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 10, 2022

Hunter Gifford is being accused of killing his girlfriend. Yes, the girl who was his whole
world until after she went missing on the night of homecoming. They were in a
terrible car crash coming home, and Hunter got a concussion but Chole is missing.
The police are questioning him but there’s only one problem, he doesn’t remember
anything. Hunter knows that whatever he remembers will help find Chloe, but how
quick and what will he be able to remember?

I really enjoyed reading this book. It was very interesting and drama filled which
really added to the plot and storyline. There were definitely times when I felt I was in
the story and couldn’t stop reading. David Bell did a great job on this book and I am
looking forward to reading more of his books. Overall a really good book that I read
quickly because I couldn’t put it down. I loved this book!


Written by
Anna S.

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