Shadow and Bone is a fantasy YA novel by Leigh Bardugo. The book centers around the main protagonist, Alina, as she discovers who she is and who she can trust. During her childhood, she lived in an orphanage with her best friend, Mal. As she’s tasked to cross the Fold with her group, she discovers something about herself that could potentially change the entire fate of the kingdom, for better or worse.
Overall I thought the book was ok, but it felt like it lacked something. I would rate it a 3 stars out of 5. In my opinion, the story was a little all over the place and the ending wasn’t very satisfying. The book was interesting in the beginning, but as time went on it got harder to keep reading. There were some interesting twists and turns though. The cover was what really drew me in. I would recommend this book to people who read a lot of fantasy and want something more out of the box.