The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Taylor Jenkins Reid
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jun 14, 2022

Incredible story, plot, all of it. Very unexpected and not predictable, just when you think it stops there, it doesn’t. The main characters Evelyn and Monique sit in an interview each day to document Evelyn’s story—hardships and fame. Unexpectedly, Monique seems to learn from Evelyn and grows as a human, combating unpleasant memories of her ex-husband while working for an ever-growing news reporting company. What seems so simple as a one-on-one conversation erupts to be larger than you’d expect, with mixed confusions and changing sides every other chapter. I heavily recommend this to those who enjoy reading and need a book to get them out of a rut, a reading block if you will. This book is unique in its own ways and targets many topics discussed today and many readers who may have different interests and preferences are sure to enjoy this work.

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