The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Taylor Jenkins Reid
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 10, 2023

Do not miss the gripping historical fiction novel The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid! This novel contains the protagonist of a Hollywood film star, Evelyn Hugo. Aging and isolated, at the age seventy-nine, Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to give an interview, disclosing the full truth about her scandalous yet seemingly glamorous life. However, the catch is that Evelyn will only give her interview to Monique Grant, an unknown journalist who is not exactly at the top of the pyramid. As Monique listens to Evelyn’s story unfurl through flashbacks, she feels a connection to the old legendary star which also causes questions to arise. What is Evelyn’s mysterious connection to Monique? Why did Evelyn marry seven times throughout her life, and more so, who was the true capturing love of Evelyn’s life? One of the most compelling aspects of this book was how engaging it was, including all the truths that were uncovered, the dirty and the beautiful. Not to mention a strong, witty, and complex female protagonist. The novel is filled with strong representations as well as going beyond just Evelyn’s seven husbands and into deeper meanings. I highly recommend this book for a fast-paced, thrilling read!

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