Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales

Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales book cover
Yoko Ogawa
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 31, 2023

The novel Revenge: Eleven Dark Tales by Yoko Ogawa is a collection of short horror stories that all connect to each other. Yoko Ogawa serves as a spider who has created intricate webs that tie these stories together, which she does flawlessly. While reading the book, I found it impossible to put it down. There were no unnecessary descriptions or dialogue; all stories got straight to the point. That is what kept me on my toes. No matter how normal the characters seemed, I knew their normalcy would end soon and their darkness would show. 

Although this book is categorized as horror, I would warn others that it is a bit dark but not psychologically terrifying. However, since I am familiar with Ogawa's other works and her writing style, I expected this to be a soft horror. I suggest diving into the novel with no knowledge (outside of this review); the experience will be much more enjoyable.

Written by
Aryanna G.

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