Red Seas under Red Skies is an unique and amazing fantasy novel by Scott Lynch. It follows
Locke and his best friend Jean as they arrive on the exotic shores of Tal Verrar, where they
must face the dangers of their past, as well as new rivals that wish to stop them at all costs
while they try to pull their most ambitious con yet. However things go wrong as they are
poisoned and the only way to gain the serum is to trick pirates into entering the city. Lock and
Jean must go on a sea faring adventure to find these pirates and must create a plan of their own
to trick the pirates while also gaining their revenge on the people who poisoned them.
In my opinion this book was a bit of a step down from the first book but a good book overall.
Locke’s and Jean’s characters are fleshed out more as their relationship develops and goes up
and down. This is my favorite broship I’ve ever read as the book is still unpredictable as I find it
respectable to change the story up while still setting up future plot lines such as the wizards after
Locke and Jean due to the last book. This book remains exciting even with some pacing issues,
and I loved the climax and payoff in the end.