In this suspenseful thriller, a girl facing legal repercussions for her role in a cyberbullying-related suicide receives a mysterious phone call from a stranger who claims to be on the verge of suicide himself. The caller, Andrew, tells Victoria that he dialed her number “at random.” Given the popularity of Victoria’s name in local news, however, this seems unlikely. But there is little time for either Victoria or readers to question Andrew’s story within the book’s short time frame. Andrew wants to drive his car off a cliff now, and tomorrow morning, Victoria will stand trial for her part in an incident whose details are revealed piece by piece in the book. Posts from Victoria’s Facebook are shown as the story unfolds, connecting the two seemingly different events together.
I found this book to be very inspirational. It teaches us that everything we say and do has consequences. Nothing is ever insignificant when it comes to a matter of life and death. This book really gets you thinking about things you’ve said in the past and how that might have impacted others around you. Just because you don’t mean to hurt someone with your words, doesn’t mean they won’t get hurt by it. I would highly recommend this book to all teenagers because it has a very important lesson that relates to many teenagers today.