Parasite Rex

Carl Zimmer
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Apr 12, 2013

Catch me reading one of these books and most likely I will be cringing and wincing. The best books inspire curiosity, these books will give you more information that you would ever want to know about a topic. But, like a car crash, you can't look away. You will be hooked!

Parasite Rex: inside the bizarre world of nature's most dangerous creatures by Carl Zimmer

This book will teach you more about the world of parasites than you ever wanted to know. Like reality TV, we can't live with them, and can't live without them! I became interested in parasites when I read Peeps by Scott Westerfeld, which started every chapter with a description of a different parasite. But I had no idea the huge effect they had on our lives today (for instance we may develop things like allergies because humans in american society are largely free of parasites).You will be the hit at every party with the gushy information morsels you will pick up here! Be sure to read it before prom this weekend so you can wow your date with facts about how parasites impact our lives.

The Psychopath Test: a journey through the madness industry by Jon Ronson

Now that you fear what creatures lurk inside your body, lets talk about what evil lurks inside your psyche (and more importantly, that of the guy sitting next you in biology class who enjoys dissection a little too much). This book will turn you into a paranoid psychopath spotter who looks for callous/unemotional tendencies in everyone you meet. But don't worry, I am sure that you are a well balanced individual. Just be sure to read this one with a friend who will assure you that you are not going crazy.

Stiff: the curious lives of human cadavers by Mary Roach

Whether by parasite, at the hands of a psycopath or something more pedestrian, you will die. But then what? Roach (such a wonderful name for this author) dives into what happens to our bodies after death. She covers everything from decomposition to burial traditions around the world. Ever wonder what happens inside a coffin? Inside a cremation oven? What about those embalming fluids, what do they do? Or perhaps you are considering donating your body to science...find out what will happen to it at the hands of novice medical students.

All these books will make you totally obsessed, in the creepiest and most endearing way. I only suggest giving your friends and family warning that you will only be talking about parasites/psychopaths/cadavers for the next few days.

Reviewed by Kate M.
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