The story of love, heartbreak, betrayal, and reunion between the two main characters, Connell and Marianne. Told over the course of a few years, readers follow their journey through high school and college as they navigate their ever-changing relationship. I really wanted to like this book. After everything I had heard about Sally Rooney, I had high expectations for this book, and unfortunately, I feel like it didn’t quite live up to the hype. Normally I am a big fan of romance, but this one just didn’t cut it for me. It was pretty boring most of the time, and a lot of chapters seemed to drag on forever. Rooney did a great job of developing the characters, but I just didn’t seem to connect with them in any way. Maybe it was because they both had very different personalities than me, or I just didn’t relate to them. Overall, I felt like this book was a bit of a waste of my time. Overall, this book just wasn’t anything special. Personally, I prefer books with more action and adventure, so Normal People just felt a little bit bland to me.