The Name of This Book Is Secret

The Name of This Book Is Secret
Bosch, Pseudonymous
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jun 5, 2023

Two eleven-year-olds who are the primary protagonists of this story are searching for the reason behind the magician's demise. Ms. Mauvis and Dr. L, two enigmatic and terrible individuals, are attempting to learn this secret. Another eleven-year-old is abducted as they search for the truth. They now needed to learn what had happened to him and how to get away from the dangerous repercussions that awaited them.

I thought it was great how the author kept the characters' true identities a secret. He continues to say this in the book. It's a real page-turner to read. I advise anyone who enjoys learning secrets and has good security measures to read this book.

Written by
The Quiet Starling

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