Mouse Vs Wild

Mouse Vs Wild by Geronimo Stilton
Geronimo Stilton
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 18, 2023

Geronimo was working near a window at the Rodent's Gazette on a breezy late July morning. It was quiet until Trap slammed the door open. He arrived to inform him of Mouse Luxe, a super-sized resort that was the most upscale lodging option on Mouse Island. He was telling Geronimo about the competition he had joined, which was run by Smoothie Slickpaws, the proprietor of the travel business Trust Me You'll Like It and a close friend of Geronimo's. The wildest, most remote, and stinkiest location on Mouse Island was Port Stinky, where Trap brought Geronimo to board a helicopter. When they got there, Sally Ratmousen, the editor-in-chief of The Daily Rat, who views Geronimo as an enemy, Gal Gouda, Paula Pecorino, the host of a sports show on MouseTV, and Count Rattington von Cheese Curd, Paula's lover, were all presented to them. They were taken there by Smoothie Slickpaws to do four unidentified tasks to earn the hotel tickets. Are Geronimo and Trap going to make it through these three days in the wilderness?

My favorite chapter in this book was the one where Geronimo used all of his grit to go over the challenges on this filthy port. The narrative illustrates how each situation happened using numerous descriptions. Geronimo mustering his courage and fortitude to accomplish the competition's hurdles and finding something no one else would have spotted that could preserve Port Stinky are among the book's most fascinating elements. This book is for people who are interested in taking on difficulties.

Written by
The Quiet Starling

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