The Merciless Ones

The Merciless Ones
Nmina Forna
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Jul 20, 2023

Deka, the Nuru, has released the Gilded Ones and is leading conquests to make Otera one again. She wants to reach Hemaira and get all the other alaki while defeating the Jatu to reclaim Otera. However, when they realize that the jatu are now able to become deathshrieks, her plans are changed. Then she decides to go kill the leader of the jatu and gain more order but she soon learns that the Gilded Ones are not the only gods but that there are others, the Merciless Ones, as well. When she learns the truth after uncovering the lies the Gilded Ones fed her, she learns that she is the Singular, the killer of the gods. She learns that she is not connected to the gods of Otera but is a different being entirely. In the end, she realizes that the Gilded Ones were eating their brothers, the jatu, to regain strength and battles against the Gilded Ones with her friends and leaves to prepare for a bigger fight when she kills the gods to save them from their madness. 

I think this is a great sequel to the book, The Gilded Ones, and did not bore me at all. I liked the introduction of a new story so it wasn’t like a regular sequel where it seems like the book is being stalled. I enjoyed reading it and thought it was written well in a way that was not too confusing. Those who read the first book, The Gilded Ones, and those who enjoy fantasy novels will like to read this book.

Overall, this book was a great read and I thoroughly enjoyed it. 

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