Looking For Alaska

John Green
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Mar 25, 2024

Miles “Pudge” Halter is only after one thing: The Great Perhaps. Alaska is also after one thing: How do you get out of the labyrinth? The two cross paths at Culver Creek prep, a private boarding school in the south. As they get to know each other, Pudge forms a crush on Alaska. Amid a prank war and keeping his grades up, Pudge must learn how to also navigate his new love life. Will Pudge find The Great Perhaps? Will Alaska find her way out of the labyrinth? Read to find out! 

A very powerful and captivating read. John Green’s sarcastic writing style captures exactly what it feels like to be a hormonal teenager. His ability to touch on sensitive topics with such ease allows a reader to feel things so viscerally right along with the characters. This was the first YA romance novel I ever picked up, and because of how emotional it was, it took me months to finish. It has mature themes such as sex, drug use, and alcohol, but it is definitely a book you should read if you’re a teenager or you’ve ever been a teenager. I rate it 4 stars.

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