The Legend of the Maze

The Legend of the Maze by Thea Stilton
Thea Stilton
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 18, 2023

The Thea Sisters go to the Italian city of Verona. Colette finds a tile with the initials ABL (Aurora Beatrix Lane), an ancient explorer and archeologist, etched beneath it as they explore Juliet's home. When they learned about this recent find, they speculated that it might lead to a new treasure—the third one. A couple of Sebastiano and Aurora's pals provide a hand. They would need to locate the treasure before Luke von Klawitz, the grandson of Professor von Klawitz, does. In order to find the Ring of True Love (the third treasure), the Thea Sisters collect hints from all across the world. Will the Thea Sisters discover the Ring of True Love first?

My favorite part of this book was when the Thea Sisters started asking Aurora's coworkers for help. They discovered a lot about Aurora, including her upbringing, travels, and commitment to making the treasures visible to everyone. Finding the inscription written by ABL, encountering Mia (Aurora's sister Linda's accomplice), and escaping Luke's confusing workplace are just a few of the book's fascinating acts. In this book, rodents are among the creatures that discuss what genuine friendship and love imply. I advise everyone who likes reading adventure stories to read this book.

Written by
The Quiet Starling

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