Lady Bird is an incredible film about a teenage girl named Christine, who goes by Lady Bird. She lives in Sacramento, California, with her parents and brother. Lady Bird hopes to escape her small town and become something big. She believes her only chance of doing this is to go to college on the east coast, so she can leave her family and be successful. Lady Bird has a complicated relationship with almost everyone in her life, the main one being her mother. Her mother and her never got along, as she disagrees with everything that Lady Bird stands for. During Lady Bird’s senior year, she decides she wants to have the true high school experience, so she becomes friends with all of the popular girls and gets a new cool boyfriend. She has a hard time deciding whether she should do what makes her liked, rather than what she wants to do. This is a great movie that almost everyone can relate to. The way that Lady Bird feels towards everyone is a great example of what most teenage girls feel. She portrays the feelings that most girls feel perfectly. Overall, it is inspiring, and shows everyone that you can be successful, regardless of what background you have. I really enjoyed watching this movie, as it can be both sad and hilarious at times. I recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for motivation to pursue what they want, or someone who is looking for a character who is relatable.