The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue book cover
V.E. Schwab
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Dec 29, 2023

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab follows the extraordinary life of Adeline LaRue, a young woman in 18th-century France who makes a Faustian bargain for eternal life, but with the caveat that no one will remember her. Addie navigates centuries, experiencing the highs and lows of human existence while grappling with the loneliness of her unique circumstance. The narrative weaves between past and present, exploring Addie's encounters with various people throughout history and her complex relationship with a mysterious immortal named Henry. As Addie strives to leave her mark on the world, the novel dives into themes of identity, love, and the enduring impact of one's choices. 

The most compelling aspect for many people including myself lies in Victoria Schwab's skillful storytelling and her ability to evoke a deep emotional connection to the characters. The intricate weaving of history and fantasy creates a rich tapestry that draws readers into Addie's journey. I was somewhat disappointed in the pacing of the story. I felt that certain sections were slow, affecting the overall momentum of the narrative. I would recommend The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue to readers who enjoy a blend of historical fiction, fantasy, and romance with a thought-provoking exploration of existential themes. It's a book for those who appreciate nuanced characters, as well as those who enjoy contemplating the mysteries of human existence. While acknowledging potential pacing concerns, the novel's unique storyline and emotional depth make it a compelling read for those seeking a memorable story. I give this book a four out of five stars.

Written by
Mahad Z.

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