Instructions for a Secondhand Heart

Tamsyn Murray
Aug 13, 2018

Jonny has been waiting for years to receive a heart. But when finally a donor is a found, but for Jonny's life to start, someone's has to end. That someone is Neve's brother Leo. While he was alive, Neve wanted nothing more than to be rid of him, but after his tragic crash, she has no idea how to move on. But then Jonny walks into her life looking for answers, with her brother's heart in his chest, everything starts to change.

This book was very well written, but the romance was terrible. It was cringe-worthy, just so predictable and annoying. The thing is, I enjoyed the concept but not the characterization. But what an original concept. I have never read any book about transplantation. This book had so much potential, but I ended up pretty disappointed.

Anyone who is tired of a boring YA cliche should read this one.

Written by
Olivia from Leawood Pioneer Library YAAC

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