The Initial Insult

The Initial Insult by Mindy McGinnis
Mindy McGinnis
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Aug 18, 2023

Tress lost her parents seven years ago and she is ready to find out what happened. Felicity was there the night Tress’s parents disappeared but she doesn’t remember what happened. The disappearance of Tress’s family ruined her and felicitys friendship and they don’t talk anymore. But answers are still needed and Tress is sure that Felicity knows what happened. All taking place in one night we follow the girls as she tries to get answers. The methods may not be so ethical but Tress will do anything to find out what happened. McGinnis creates a gothic story that will keep you on the edge of your seat and gasp when you finish the book.

I gave this book 4 stars because it was captivating. This is a mystery novel where I did not predict what would happen next. The different perspectives (including a panthers) makes this book truly unique and unlike any other book I’ve ever read. I was really into the plot and I wanted to know what happened the night Tress’s parents went missing as well as what Tress was going to do. The reason I took off a star was because there wasn’t enough resolution in this book. While there is a second I wish that the first book finished with a few less questions. No matter what this is one of my favorite crime books I’ve ever read.

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