Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K Rowling
J. K. Rowling
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 18, 2023

The wizarding world is aware and scared of the return of Voldemort, secrets and suspicions are spreading throughout and Harry is convinced that Malfoy bears the dark mark. The darkest secrets of Voldemort are being unraveled and Dumbledore prepares Harry for his destiny… 

Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince is an amazing book, it is a good balance of everything that we love about the series. The main thing I like about this book is that it sets up the final installment of the series perfectly. I also like the backstories in this book because they show us the motives and behavior of the characters. The ending is just brutal and leaves us in shock, I would have never guessed the ending to turn out the way it did. Overall I give this book a 4.9 out of five.

Written by
Vaibhav K.

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