Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
J.K. Rowling
Star Rating
Reviewer's Rating
Sep 28, 2022

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is a wonderful and popular fantasy book written by J.K
Rowling. This book is about a 17 year old teenage wizard with a strange lightning scar on his
forehead named Harry. In his seventh year, after the tragic event that occured in the last book,
Harry leaves school on a quest to find Voldemort’s weakness alongside Hermione and Ron.
What transpires next is an epic finale to this seven book series where Harry wages a war to
defeat Voldemort. Harry’s allies who reside in Hogwarts and elsewhere come together to fight
this final battle against Voldemort and his followers.

In my opinion this novel is brilliant, with payoffs and reveals set up from previous books as well
as character redemptions. The action is written beautifully through wizards fighting each other
through powerful spells and magic. We learn the final answers needed so that Harry has a
chance at defeating Voldemort. I love how unpredictable this book is with the only criticism
being a part of the second act was not interesting and dragged. However the rest of the novel is
the best Harry Potter has ever been which leads me to believe that his book deserves a perfect.
This book and the series overall can be enjoyed being read from children all the way to adults
with something impactful to everyone.


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